Definition of unattached


không bị ràng buộc


"Unattached" originates from the combination of the prefix "un-" meaning "not" and the word "attached." "Attached" itself comes from the Old French word "atachier" which means "to tie, fasten, or bind." Therefore, "unattached" signifies "not tied, fastened, or bound" and can refer to a person who is single or not connected to a particular group or organization.


not married or involved in a romantic relationship

chưa kết hôn hoặc có mối quan hệ lãng mạn

  • He was still unattached at the age of 34.

    Anh vẫn chưa bị ràng buộc ở tuổi 34.

Related words and phrases

not connected with or belonging to a particular group or organization

không được kết nối với hoặc thuộc về một nhóm hoặc tổ chức cụ thể