Definition of unencumbered


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The word "unencumbered" has its origins in the 15th century. "Encumber" comes from the Old French "empescher", which means "to hinder" or "to obstruct". In the 14th century, the English language adopted "encumber" from the French, with the meaning "to load or burden something or someone". Fast forward to the 15th century, the opposite form "unencumbered" emerged. This prefix "un-" (meaning "not" or "opposite of") was added to "encumbered" to create a word that means "free from encumbrances" or "not hindered or obstructed". Over time, the word has taken on broader meanings, such as "free from responsibility or obligation" or "unhampered by anything". Today, we use "unencumbered" to describe something or someone that is unobstructed, unhindered, and free from any burden or constraint.


not having or carrying anything heavy or anything that makes you go more slowly

không có hoặc mang theo bất cứ thứ gì nặng hoặc bất cứ thứ gì khiến bạn đi chậm hơn

not having any debts left to be paid

không còn nợ nần gì phải trả nữa