Definition of treacherously


một cách gian trá


The word "treacherously" has its roots in Old French "treacher" which means "to betray" or "to deceive". This Old French word is derived from the Latin "tradere", which means "to deliver up" or "to betray". The Latin verb "tradere" is a combination of "trahere", meaning "to draw" or "to pull", and "dare", meaning "to give". The Latin "tradere" was used to describe the act of handing over or delivering someone or something to harm or danger. The word "treacherously" entered the English language in the 15th century and has retained its meaning of "in a treacherous or deceitful manner". The word has been used in various contexts, including literature, poetry, and everyday language, to describe acts of deceit, betrayal, or wrongdoing.


in a way that involves hurting somebody who trusts you

theo cách liên quan đến việc làm tổn thương người tin tưởng bạn

  • The king had been treacherously murdered by his brother.

    Nhà vua đã bị chính anh trai mình giết hại một cách tàn bạo.

in a dangerous way, especially when something seems safer than it is

theo một cách nguy hiểm, đặc biệt là khi có điều gì đó có vẻ an toàn hơn thực tế

  • treacherously icy conditions on the roads

    tình trạng băng giá nguy hiểm trên đường