Definition of deceptively


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The word "deceptively" has its roots in the 15th century Latin word "deceptivus," meaning "deceptive" or "misleading." This Latin term is derived from "decepio," which is the past participle of "deceptus," meaning "to deceive." The English word "deceptively" was first recorded in the 15th century and means "in a deceptive manner" or "in a way that is deceptive." It is often used to describe something that appears one way but is actually something else. For example, "The house looked deceptively small from the outside, but it had a huge backyard hidden behind the fence." In this sentence, "deceptively" is used to describe how the house appears to be smaller than it actually is.


to a smaller extent than appears the case

ở mức độ nhỏ hơn so với trường hợp xuất hiện

  • a deceptively simple idea

    một ý tưởng có vẻ đơn giản

to a greater extent than appears the case

ở mức độ lớn hơn so với trường hợp xuất hiện

  • a deceptively spacious lounge

    một phòng chờ rộng rãi một cách đánh lừa