Definition of torrent




The word "torrent" originated in the late Middle English period, around the 14th century. Its origins can be traced back to the Old French word "torrente," which itself stemmed from the Latin word "torrens," meaning "thunderous" or "rushes with a loud noise." In its original usage, torrent referred specifically to a loud, rushing sound, such as the noise made by a waterfall or the roar of a lion. However, over time, the word came to be associated with the fast-moving, rapidly flowing bodies of water that make such loud noises, also known as torrents. The term "torrent" often has particular connotations in different contexts. When used in relation to computer software, it refers to large, sudden downloads of data. In geography, it refers specifically to a rapid, swiftly-moving stream of water in steep, mountainous terrain, as opposed to a more gradual flow. Regardless of the context, the term "torrent" continues to conjure up images of powerful, overwhelming forces, whether they be the thunderous roar of a waterfall or the sudden, unstoppable spread of a digital download.


a large amount of water moving very quickly

một lượng lớn nước di chuyển rất nhanh

  • After the winter rains, the stream becomes a raging torrent.

    Sau những cơn mưa mùa đông, dòng suối trở thành dòng nước cuồn cuộn.

  • The rain was coming down in torrents.

    Mưa trút xuống thành dòng lũ.

a large amount of something that comes suddenly and violently

một lượng lớn cái gì đó đến đột ngột và dữ dội

  • a torrent of abuse/criticism

    một loạt sự lạm dụng/chỉ trích

  • His torrent of words finally slowed as he calmed down.

    Dòng chữ của anh cuối cùng cũng chậm lại khi anh bình tĩnh lại.

  • The sight of her father unleashed a torrent of emotions.

    Hình ảnh của cha cô bộc lộ một dòng cảm xúc.

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