Definition of gush


phun ra


The word "gush" originated from the Old Norse word "gyrsa" which meant "to shed or pour forth." This word made its way into Old English as "gyrcan," and then into Middle English as "gyschen," which eventually transformed into the modern English word "gush." The meaning of "gush" has always been related to an abundant outpouring or a rapid flow of liquids or fluids, such as water, oil, or blood. In the early 14th century, the word was used to describe violent or rapid emissions, such as coughing or sneezing. By the 15th century, "gush" had come to signify a sudden and profuse flow of liquid, which is still its primary meaning today. Over time, the usage of "gush" has expanded beyond its original association with liquids. It is now commonly used to describe enthusiastic, excessive, or uncontrollable speech, expressions, or emotions. This figurative use of "gush" is first recorded in the 19th century. In summary, the origin and evolution of the word "gush" can be traced back to the Old Norse word "gyrsa," which over time, transformed into the modern English word "gush," with its meaning broadening from denoting a outflow of liquids to describing an overflow of words or emotions.


to flow or pour suddenly and quickly out of a hole in large amounts

chảy hoặc đổ đột ngột và nhanh chóng ra khỏi lỗ với số lượng lớn

  • blood gushing from a wound

    máu chảy ra từ vết thương

  • Water gushed out of the pipe.

    Nước phun ra khỏi đường ống.

to suddenly let out large amounts of a liquid

đột nhiên thải ra một lượng lớn chất lỏng

  • The tanker was gushing oil.

    Chiếc tàu chở dầu đang phun dầu.

  • She absolutely gushed enthusiasm.

    Cô ấy hoàn toàn bộc lộ sự nhiệt tình.

to express so much praise or emotion about somebody/something that it does not seem sincere

bày tỏ quá nhiều lời khen ngợi hoặc cảm xúc về ai đó/điều gì đó có vẻ không chân thành

  • ‘You are clever,’ she gushed.

    “Anh thật thông minh,” cô thốt lên.

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