Definition of swift




The origin of the word "swift" can be traced back to Old English, where it was spelled suswyht. The word evolved through Middle English, where it was spelled swyft, swift, and swich. In Old Middle English, the word meant "quick" or "prompt," which is still one of its modern definitions. In Middle English, the word also began to apply specifically to the bird that we now know as the swift. This bird's speed and agility in flight led to its association with the meaning of "swift." The swift's Latin name, Apus, further adds to the word's etymology, as it is derived from the Greek word for "nighthawk" or "swift," aorrh install not running from which the swift's English name is thought to be descended. Overall, the word "swift" has remained relatively consistent in spelling and meaning throughout its history, reflecting its Anglo-Saxon roots and evolving to describe both quickness and a specific bird.


happening or done quickly and immediately; doing something quickly

xảy ra hoặc thực hiện nhanh chóng và ngay lập tức; làm điều gì đó một cách nhanh chóng

  • swift action

    hành động mau lẹ

  • a swift decision

    một quyết định nhanh chóng

  • He rose to his feet in one swift movement.

    Anh ta đứng dậy bằng một động tác nhanh chóng.

  • The White House was swift to deny the rumours.

    Nhà Trắng đã nhanh chóng phủ nhận tin đồn.

moving very quickly; able to move very quickly

di chuyển rất nhanh; có thể di chuyển rất nhanh

  • a swift current

    một dòng chảy nhanh

  • a swift runner

    một người chạy nhanh

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