Definition of thirsty


khát, cảm thấy khát


Definition of undefined

The word "thirsty" traces its roots back to the Old English word "þyrst," which means "thirst." This word evolved from the Proto-Germanic "þurstiz," itself derived from the Proto-Indo-European "dʰers-," meaning "to be dry." Over time, "þyrst" morphed into "thurst" in Middle English and finally into "thirsty" in Modern English. While the word initially referred only to a physical need for water, it eventually acquired its metaphorical meaning of strong desire or longing.


needing or wanting to drink

cần hoặc muốn uống

  • We were hungry and thirsty.

    Chúng tôi đói và khát.

  • Digging is thirsty work (= makes you thirsty).

    Đào là công việc khát nước (= làm cho bạn khát nước).

  • She felt suddenly very thirsty.

    Cô đột nhiên cảm thấy rất khát nước.

  • I was starting to get quite thirsty.

    Tôi bắt đầu cảm thấy khá khát.

  • I'm really thirsty.

    Tôi thực sự khát.

having a strong desire for something

có một mong muốn mạnh mẽ cho một cái gì đó

  • He is thirsty for power.

    Anh ta khao khát quyền lực.

Related words and phrases

dry; in need of water

khô; đang cần nước