Definition of avid


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The word "avid" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "avis" means "desire" or "longing", and the suffix "-id" is a suffix that forms adjectives indicating a quality or state. Therefore, "avid" can be literally translated to "full of desire" or "longing intensely". In Middle English, the word "avid" emerged and initially meant "wishing" or "desiring strongly". Over time, its meaning evolved to include connotations of enthusiasm, zeal, and intense passion. Today, "avid" is often used to describe someone who has a strong and devoted interest in a particular activity, hobby, or field, such as an avid reader, athlete, or collector. Throughout its history, the word "avid" has retained its core meaning of intense desire and longing, adapting to convey a sense of deep commitment and enthusiasm in various contexts.


very enthusiastic about something (often a hobby)

rất nhiệt tình về một cái gì đó (thường là một sở thích)

  • an avid reader/collector

    một người ham đọc sách/nhà sưu tập

  • She has taken an avid interest in the project (= she is extremely interested in it).

    Cô ấy rất quan tâm đến dự án (= cô ấy cực kỳ quan tâm đến nó).

Related words and phrases

wanting to get something very much

muốn có được một cái gì đó rất nhiều

  • He was avid for more information.

    Anh ấy rất muốn biết thêm thông tin.