Definition of theatrically


theo kiểu sân khấu


The word "theatrically" has its roots in the Latin word "theatricus," meaning "of or relating to the theater." The word entered the English language in the 15th century, derived from the Old French word "théâtric," which was itself borrowed from the Latin. The earliest recorded use of the word "theatrically" dates back to the 1540s, when it was used to describe something closely related to or imitating the theater. Over time, the word took on a more figurative meaning, describing someone or something that is excessively dramatic, showy, or theatrical. Today, the word is often used to describe behavior or actions that are perceived as overly dramatic, flamboyant, or attention-seeking, for example, "She spoke theatrically about her latest triumph" or "He acted theatrically, pretending to be more injured than he really was."


in a way that is connected with the theatre

theo cách liên quan đến nhà hát

  • Theatrically speaking, he was a genius.

    Về mặt sân khấu, ông là một thiên tài.

in a way that is exaggerated in order to attract attention or create a particular effect

theo cách cường điệu để thu hút sự chú ý hoặc tạo ra một hiệu ứng cụ thể

  • ‘What now?’ she sighed theatrically.

    "Bây giờ thì sao?" cô thở dài một cách khoa trương.