Definition of tenable


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The word "tenable" originated from the Old French word "tenir" meaning "to hold" or "to keep." This root can be traced back to the Latin word "tenere," which had a similar meaning. In its earliest use, "tenable" referred to something that could be held or defended, particularly in a military context. It was commonly used to describe a fortified position that was difficult to attack and could be successfully defended. Over time, the meaning of "tenable" broadened to include more abstract concepts related to logical, rational, or defensible thought or argument. It came to mean that an idea or position was logical, rational, or persuasive and could be defended or sustained. Today, the word is used in a wide range of contexts, including business, finance, law, and academia, to describe anything that is sustainable, viable, or defensible over time. Its original military context, however, has not been entirely lost, as it is still sometimes used to describe a situation or position that can be successfully defended or held.


easy to defend against attack or criticism

dễ dàng bảo vệ trước sự tấn công hoặc chỉ trích

  • a tenable position

    một vị trí có thể thuê được

  • The old idea that this work was not suitable for women was no longer tenable.

    Quan điểm cũ cho rằng công việc này không phù hợp với phụ nữ đã không còn tồn tại nữa.

Related words and phrases

that can be held for a particular period of time

có thể được giữ trong một khoảng thời gian cụ thể

  • The lectureship is tenable for a period of three years.

    Thời gian giảng dạy có thể kéo dài ba năm.