Definition of tamper with

tamper withphrasal verb

can thiệp vào


The origin of the phrase "tamper with" can be traced back to the Middle English word "temperen," which meant to mix or combine things in a specific proportion. This word derived from the Old French "temperer" and ultimately from the Latin "temperare," which also meant to mix or combine. Over time, the meaning of "temperen" evolved to include not just mixing things, but also changing or altering them. By the 17th century, the phrase "tamper with" had emerged as a more specific term for manipulating or interfering with something, particularly in a way that could alter its original condition or intended purpose. Today, "tamper with" is often used in legal and technical contexts to describe actions that compromised the integrity or safety of a system or product. For example, tampering with a car's brakes or a medical device could have serious consequences, so these actions are typically prohibited by law or regulation. In summary, the phrase "tamper with" evolved from the Middle English word "temperen," which originally meant to mix things in a specific proportion. Over time, its meaning expanded to include altering or interfering with something, particularly in a way that could change its original condition or intended purpose. This usage continues to be common in contemporary English, especially in technical and legal contexts.

  • The suspect was caught tampering with the evidence in the crime scene.

    Nghi phạm bị bắt quả tang đang sửa chữa bằng chứng tại hiện trường vụ án.

  • The employee was fired for tampering with the cash register.

    Nhân viên này đã bị sa thải vì can thiệp vào máy tính tiền.

  • The leader of the organization warned members not to tamper with the election results.

    Người lãnh đạo tổ chức đã cảnh báo các thành viên không được can thiệp vào kết quả bầu cử.

  • The tampering with the software caused the system to malfunction.

    Việc can thiệp vào phần mềm đã khiến hệ thống bị trục trặc.

  • The villain was apprehended for tampering with the security system.

    Kẻ thủ ác đã bị bắt giữ vì phá hoại hệ thống an ninh.

  • The scientists discovered that someone had tampered with the experiments.

    Các nhà khoa học phát hiện có người đã can thiệp vào các thí nghiệm.

  • The company had to recall the product after discovering that it had been tampered with.

    Công ty đã phải thu hồi sản phẩm sau khi phát hiện sản phẩm đã bị can thiệp.

  • The doctor was investigated for tampering with medical records.

    Bác sĩ đã bị điều tra vì tội sửa đổi hồ sơ bệnh án.

  • The president dismissed the administration official who had tampered with the papers.

    Tổng thống đã sa thải viên chức hành chính đã sửa đổi các giấy tờ.

  • The whistleblower reported the government official for tampering with the data.

    Người tố giác đã báo cáo viên chức chính phủ đã can thiệp vào dữ liệu.