Definition of tweak


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The origin of the word "tweak" can be traced back to the late 19th century, although its modern meaning has evolved over time. In its earliest usage, "tweak" referred to the application of pressure or force to modify or adjust an object. For instance, a blacksmith might "tweek" a horseshoe to make it fit better on a horse's hoof. As technology advanced, the term "tweak" began to be used more frequently in the context of electronics and engineering. In this context, "tweak" meant to fine-tune or adjust a device or system to improve its performance or functionality. For example, a radio engineer might "tweak" a circuit to improve its ability to pick up signals. Over time, the meaning of "tweak" has expanded beyond its technical context and has begun to be used more generally to refer to making small, carefully calibrated changes to something in order to improve it. Today, the term is commonly used in a variety of contexts, from music and art to personal appearance and social interactions. So there you have it - the origin and evolution of the word "tweak" can be traced back to its literal meaning of "applying pressure" and has since expanded into a versatile term applied to various scenarios where minor improvements are applied in a controlled manner.


to pull or twist something suddenly

kéo hoặc xoắn cái gì đó một cách đột ngột

  • She tweaked his ear playfully.

    Cô nghịch ngợm nhéo tai anh.

to make slight changes to a machine, system, etc. to improve it

thực hiện những thay đổi nhỏ đối với máy móc, hệ thống, v.v. để cải thiện nó

  • I think you'll have to tweak these figures a little before you show them to the boss.

    Tôi nghĩ bạn sẽ phải điều chỉnh những số liệu này một chút trước khi đưa chúng cho sếp.

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