Definition of distort


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The word "distort" has a fascinating history! The term has its roots in Middle English, derived from the Old French word "desortier," which means "to break or rend." However, the term's etymology reaches further back to the Latin "des-tortere," which is a combination of "de-" (meaning "apart" or "away") and "tortus" (meaning "twisted" or "wound"). In the 15th century, the word "distort" emerged in English, initially meaning "to twist or bend something out of its natural shape." Over time, the term expanded to encompass figurative meanings, such as "to alter or falsify the truth" or "to misrepresent or misinterpret." Today, we use "distort" in a broad range of contexts, from physics to psychology to politics, to convey the idea of altering or twisting something from its original form.


to change the shape, appearance or sound of something so that it is strange or not clear

thay đổi hình dạng, diện mạo hoặc âm thanh của cái gì đó trở nên lạ lùng hoặc không rõ ràng

  • a fairground mirror that distorts your shape

    một tấm gương công bằng làm biến dạng hình dạng của bạn

  • The loudspeaker seemed to distort his voice.

    Cái loa dường như bóp méo giọng nói của anh.

to change facts, ideas, etc. so that they are no longer correct or true

thay đổi sự thật, ý tưởng, v.v. để chúng không còn đúng hoặc đúng nữa

  • Newspapers are often guilty of distorting the truth.

    Báo chí thường mắc tội bóp méo sự thật.