Definition of tinker


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The word "tinker" has an interesting history. It originated in the 14th century from the Old English word "tynkian," which means "to mend or repair." This term was likely derived from the Middle English word "tynk," meaning "a piece of metal or wooden substance used for making small repair." Over time, the verb "tinker" evolved to express the act of making small repairs or adjustments, often involving a degree of creativity and experimentation. In the 18th century, the term took on a new meaning, referring to someone who made or repaired clocks, watches, or other small mechanisms. Today, the word "tinker" is used more broadly to describe someone who enjoys tinkering with objects, whether for fun or to create something new. I hope that brief history was enlightening!


(in the past) a person who travelled from place to place, selling or repairing things

(trong quá khứ) một người đi từ nơi này đến nơi khác, bán hoặc sửa chữa đồ vật

an offensive word for a Traveller, Romani or other member of the travelling community

một từ ngữ xúc phạm đến một Người du lịch, Người Romani hoặc thành viên khác của cộng đồng du lịch

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