Definition of take advantage of

take advantage ofidiomatic

lợi dụng

Definition of undefined

The phrase "take advantage of" dates back to the 16th century. It originally meant "to use something to your benefit," with "advantage" referring to a favorable position or opportunity. The phrase evolved to encompass a more negative connotation in the 19th century, suggesting the exploitation of someone's weakness or vulnerability. This shift reflects the growing awareness of social inequalities and the potential for power dynamics to be abused.


exploit for one's own benefit

khai thác vì lợi ích của chính mình

  • people tend to take advantage of a placid nature

    mọi người có xu hướng tận dụng bản chất nhẹ nhàng

Related words and phrases

make good use of the opportunities offered by

tận dụng tốt các cơ hội do

  • take full advantage of the facilities available

    tận dụng đầy đủ các cơ sở có sẵn

Related words and phrases

  • make use of
  • utilize
  • put to use
  • use
  • use to good advantage
  • put to good use
  • turn to good use
  • make the most of
  • capitalize on
  • benefit from
  • turn to account
  • draw on