Definition of supercilious




The origin of the word "supercilious" dates back to medieval Latin, where it was used to describe someone with a haughty look or demeanor. Specifically, the word "supercilium" referred to a raised eyebrow, which was seen as a sign of disdain or contempt for others. This usage of "supercilium" can be traced back to the ancient Roman orator and writer Cicero, who used the term to describe the facial expressions of his opponents in lectures and debates. In medieval Latin, "supercilium" also had other related meanings, such as "arrogance" or "haughtiness," which stemmed from the idea that the raised eyebrow was a physical manifestation of a person's superiority or contempt for others. This usage can also be seen in some of the earliest recorded instances of "supercilious" in Old French, where it was used to describe someone with a proud or haughty attitude. Over time, the meaning of "supercilious" evolved to encompass a broader range of meanings related to pride, arrogance, and contempt. In Middle English, for example, "supercilious" came to mean "haughty" or "superior in demeanor," as well as "scornful" or "contemptuous." It was not until the 16th century that "supercilious" took on its current meaning of "proudly disdainful or scornful," particularly towards those considered inferior or of lower social status. Today, "supercilious" is still used to describe someone with a haughty or arrogant demeanor, particularly as shown through facial expressions or body language. It is often used in formal contexts, such as academic writing or diplomatic correspondence, as a way of conveying a sense of disdain or contempt for another person's opinions or actions.

  • The political candidate's supercilious demeanor turned off many voters during the debates.

    Thái độ kiêu ngạo của ứng cử viên chính trị đã khiến nhiều cử tri mất hứng thú trong các cuộc tranh luận.

  • The boss's supercilious attitude made it clear that he didn't trust his subordinates to handle the job.

    Thái độ kiêu ngạo của ông chủ cho thấy rõ rằng ông ta không tin tưởng cấp dưới có thể hoàn thành công việc.

  • The supercilious expression on her face suggested that she thought she was better than everyone else in the room.

    Vẻ mặt kiêu ngạo của cô cho thấy cô nghĩ mình giỏi hơn tất cả mọi người trong phòng.

  • The coach's supercilious behavior towards the new players made them feel unwelcome on the team.

    Thái độ khinh thường của huấn luyện viên đối với những cầu thủ mới khiến họ cảm thấy không được chào đón trong đội.

  • The supercilious bank clerk seemed uninterested in helping us with our financial problems.

    Nhân viên ngân hàng kiêu ngạo dường như không quan tâm đến việc giúp chúng tôi giải quyết vấn đề tài chính.

  • The supercilious lawyer scoffed at our complaints, making it clear that he saw us as foolish amateurs in his field.

    Vị luật sư kiêu ngạo chế giễu lời phàn nàn của chúng tôi, cho thấy rõ rằng ông ta coi chúng tôi là những kẻ nghiệp dư ngu ngốc trong lĩnh vực của ông ta.

  • The supercilious professor rolled her eyes at our questions, making us feel like we were wasting her time.

    Vị giáo sư kiêu ngạo đảo mắt trước câu hỏi của chúng tôi, khiến chúng tôi cảm thấy như mình đang lãng phí thời gian của bà.

  • The supercilious store owner made us feel like we were inconveniencing her by asking for customer service.

    Người chủ cửa hàng kiêu ngạo khiến chúng tôi cảm thấy như mình đang làm phiền bà ấy khi yêu cầu dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng.

  • The supercilious waiter seemed annoyed that we didn't share his high level of sophistication.

    Người phục vụ kiêu ngạo có vẻ khó chịu vì chúng tôi không có được trình độ tinh tế như anh ta.

  • The supercilious coworker condescended to us constantly, making us feel like we weren't intelligent enough to handle our jobs.

    Người đồng nghiệp kiêu ngạo liên tục tỏ ra coi thường chúng tôi, khiến chúng tôi cảm thấy mình không đủ thông minh để hoàn thành công việc.