Definition of lofty




The origin of the word "lofty" can be traced back to Old English, where it was spelled "hlāfige" and meant "elevated" or "raising." This word essentially referred to someone or something that was lifted up or raised high, such as the rafters in a building or a loaf of bread being raised during the baking process. Over time, the meaning of "hlāfige" evolved and the word took on a more figurative sense. In Middle English, "lofte" or "loft" referred to a specific type of room in a building, one that was elevated or elevated to provide additional space. It is in this context that "lofty" came to describe not just the physical elevation of something, but also its importance or grandeur. By the 1400s, "lofty" had taken on its modern meaning of "sublime," "exalted," or "grandeur." It came to mean not just things that were physically elevated, but also things that had a sense of nobility, dignity, or prestige. So the word "lofty" started as a descriptive term for something that was physically elevated, but over time it came to represent a sense of grandeur and prestige, setting it apart in both its physicality and its metaphorical signific划.


very high and impressive

rất cao và ấn tượng

  • lofty ceilings/rooms/towers

    trần nhà/phòng/tòa tháp cao ngất ngưởng

Extra examples:
  • From the lofty heights of his apartment you could see right across New York.

    Từ độ cao cao ngất ngưởng của căn hộ của anh ấy, bạn có thể nhìn thấy khắp New York.

  • The dining room was airy and lofty.

    Phòng ăn thoáng đãng và cao ngất ngưởng.

  • The glen is deeply enclosed by lofty mountains.

    Glen được bao bọc sâu sắc bởi những ngọn núi cao ngất ngưởng.

deserving praise because of its high moral quality

đáng khen ngợi vì phẩm chất đạo đức cao

  • lofty ambitions/ideals/principles

    tham vọng/lý tưởng/nguyên tắc cao cả

Extra examples:
  • Despite their lofty ideals, they still needed to raise money.

    Bất chấp những lý tưởng cao cả của mình, họ vẫn cần phải huy động tiền.

  • Many politicians start out with lofty principles, but only a few manage to maintain them.

    Nhiều chính trị gia bắt đầu với những nguyên tắc cao cả, nhưng chỉ một số ít có thể duy trì được chúng.

showing a belief that you are worth more than other people

thể hiện niềm tin rằng bạn có giá trị hơn những người khác

  • her lofty disdain for other people

    thái độ khinh thường cao cả của cô ấy đối với người khác

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