Definition of suffuse


lan ra


The word "suffuse" has a rich history dating back to the 15th century. It comes from the Latin words "suffusus," meaning "dipped" or "soaked," and "suffundere," meaning "to pour or flow through." Initially, the word "suffuse" referred to the process of soaking or drenching something, such as a cloth or a body part, with a liquid. Over time, the meaning expanded to describe the act of spreading or pouring something, like light, color, or emotion, through a space or onto a surface. In the 17th century, the word's aesthetic connotations emerged, describing the way light or color can spread and permeate a scene or atmosphere. Today, we use "suffuse" to describe this and other forms of spreading or permeation, often evoking a sense of subtlety, nuance, and beauty.

  • The room was suffused with a warm, golden glow as the sun began to set.

    Căn phòng tràn ngập ánh sáng vàng ấm áp khi mặt trời bắt đầu lặn.

  • Her cheeks suffused with a rosy hue as she blushed shyly.

    Má cô ửng hồng khi cô đỏ mặt một cách ngại ngùng.

  • The air became suffused with a thick, pungent smell as the rain brought out the sewage odor.

    Không khí tràn ngập mùi nồng nặc, khó chịu khi mưa mang theo mùi nước thải.

  • The atmosphere was suffused with a sense of anticipation as the crowd waited for the music to begin.

    Bầu không khí tràn ngập cảm giác mong đợi khi đám đông chờ đợi âm nhạc bắt đầu.

  • The room was filled with a subtle blue light as the LED strip lights suffused the area.

    Căn phòng tràn ngập ánh sáng xanh dịu nhẹ từ dải đèn LED chiếu sáng khắp khu vực.

  • The news report suffused the TV screen with a sense of urgency as the correspondent broke the story.

    Bản tin tràn ngập màn hình TV với cảm giác cấp bách khi phóng viên đưa tin.

  • Her face suffused with a mixture of joy and surprise as she heard the good news.

    Khuôn mặt cô tràn ngập niềm vui và sự ngạc nhiên khi nghe được tin tốt lành.

  • The room was suffused with a soft, serene silence as the meditation session began.

    Căn phòng tràn ngập sự tĩnh lặng, thanh bình khi buổi thiền bắt đầu.

  • The water was suffused with a shimmering, iridescent light as the rainbow formed in the sky.

    Nước tràn ngập thứ ánh sáng lấp lánh, óng ánh khi cầu vồng hình thành trên bầu trời.

  • The olive oil infused the salad with a rich, heady scent as it suffused every bite.

    Dầu ô liu thấm vào món salad một mùi thơm nồng nàn, quyến rũ khi nó lan tỏa trong từng miếng ăn.