Definition of saturate


bão hòa


The word "saturate" originated in chemistry in the late 18th century. It comes from the Latin word "saturatus," meaning "made full" or "fully supplied." In chemistry, the word "saturation" refers to a state where a compound cannot dissolve any more of a particular substance. When a solvent, like water, reaches its maximum capacity to hold a solute, like salt, it becomes saturated. This point is called the saturation point, and any excess solute at this point will remain undissolved and form a solid, liquid, or gas phase separately from the solvent. The concept of saturation is significant in various fields, including chemistry, pharmacy, biology, engineering, and cooking. For example, in pharmacy, a saturated solution of a drug is necessary to deliver the maximum therapeutic dose with the least risk of side effects. In biology, saturation in enzymatic reactions can indicate the maximum rate of a biochemical process under fixed conditions, such as pH, substrate concentration, and temperature. Engineers also use the concept of saturation to calculate the maximum flow rate that a pipeline or sewer system can hold before overflows occur. In cooking, saturation of fat during the process of frying contributes to texture and flavor of the final product. In summary, the word "saturate" has originated in chemistry and signifies a state where a compound cannot absorb or dissolve any more of a particular substance, leading to the formation of a separate phase or the maximum possible effect.


to make something completely wet

làm cho cái gì đó hoàn toàn ướt

  • The continuous rain had saturated the soil.

    Mưa liên tục đã làm ướt đất.

  • Condensation can saturate the insulation, rendering it useless.

    Sự ngưng tụ có thể làm bão hòa lớp cách nhiệt, khiến nó trở nên vô dụng.

  • The heavy autumn rains saturate the ground.

    Những cơn mưa mùa thu nặng hạt làm ướt đẫm mặt đất.

Related words and phrases

to fill something/somebody completely with something so that it is impossible or useless to add any more

lấp đầy cái gì đó/ai đó hoàn toàn bằng cái gì đó đến mức không thể hoặc vô ích khi thêm gì nữa

  • Newspapers were saturated with reports about the royal wedding.

    Báo chí tràn ngập tin tức về đám cưới hoàng gia.