Definition of bathe




The word "bathe" has its roots in Old English. It comes from the word "bæasan," which is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*bathiz." This word is thought to have been imitative of the sound of running water, and it referred to washing or bathing. In Old English, "bæasan" was used to describe the act of washing or cleaning oneself, and it was often used in combination with other words such as "word" (water) and "tun" (to create a word like "BootApplication," meaning to wash in water). During the Middle English period, the spelling of the word changed to "bathen" or "baþen," and it retained its meaning of washing or bathing. Today, the word "bathe" is used in many languages to describe the act ofimmerging oneself in water or taking a shower or bath.


to wash something with water, especially a part of your body

rửa cái gì đó bằng nước, đặc biệt là một phần cơ thể của bạn

  • Bathe the wound and apply a clean dressing.

    Rửa vết thương và dán băng sạch.

  • His arm was bathed and the wound was lanced.

    Cánh tay của anh ấy đã được rửa sạch và vết thương đã được khâu lại.

to give a bath to somebody

tắm cho ai đó

  • Have you bathed the baby yet?

    Bạn đã tắm cho bé chưa?

  • I bathe every day.

    Tôi tắm mỗi ngày.

to go swimming in the sea, a river, etc. for pleasure

đi bơi ở biển, sông, v.v. để giải trí

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to fill or cover something with light

để lấp đầy hoặc bao phủ một cái gì đó với ánh sáng

  • The moon bathed the countryside in a silver light.

    Trăng tắm đồng quê trong ánh sáng bạc.

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