Definition of mediate


trung gian


The word "mediate" comes from the Latin word "medium," which means "middle." In medieval English, it was used to describe something that served as a link or connector between two points, such as a bridge that spanned a river, or a messenger who carried messages between two parties. In its current usage, "mediate" refers to the act of intervening or facilitating in a situation or negotiation to find a mutually acceptable solution that benefits all parties. It implies a more active role than simply being a neutral third party, as a mediator may offer suggestions, ideas, and guidance to help the parties resolve their conflict. The concept of mediation as a formal process for resolving disputes is not new, however. Ancient civilizations, including the Greek, Roman, and Chinese, employed various forms of mediation to settle disputes and conflicts. In the early Christian Church, bishops served as mediators to reconcile disputes between feuding factions within the church. The idea of mediation was also promoted by medieval philosophers, such as Thomas Aquinas, who argued that mediation could help restore justice and harmony in disputes. In modern times, mediation has gained recognition as a preferred method for resolving conflicts, as it is less confrontational and less expensive than going to court. As such, mediation has become a standard feature of modern legal systems around the world.


to try to end a situation between two or more people or groups who disagree by talking to them and trying to find things that everyone can agree on

cố gắng giải quyết một tình huống giữa hai hoặc nhiều người hoặc nhóm không đồng ý bằng cách nói chuyện với họ và cố gắng tìm ra những điều mà mọi người có thể đồng ý

  • The Secretary-General was asked to mediate in the dispute.

    Tổng thư ký được yêu cầu hòa giải tranh chấp.

  • An independent body was brought in to mediate between staff and management.

    Một cơ quan độc lập đã được đưa vào để hòa giải giữa nhân viên và quản lý.

  • Wilson tried to mediate between the European powers to end the war.

    Wilson cố gắng làm trung gian giữa các cường quốc châu Âu để chấm dứt chiến tranh.

  • to mediate differences/disputes/problems

    để hòa giải những khác biệt/tranh chấp/vấn đề

to succeed in finding a solution to a problem between people or groups who disagree

thành công trong việc tìm ra giải pháp cho một vấn đề giữa những người hoặc nhóm không đồng ý

  • They mediated a settlement.

    Họ đã làm trung gian để dàn xếp.

  • The UN attempted to mediate a solution to the conflict.

    Liên Hợp Quốc đã cố gắng hòa giải một giải pháp cho cuộc xung đột.

Related words and phrases

to influence something and/or make it possible for it to happen

ảnh hưởng đến điều gì đó và/hoặc làm cho nó có thể xảy ra

  • Educational success is mediated by economic factors.

    Thành công giáo dục được trung gian bởi các yếu tố kinh tế.