Definition of defuse


tháo ngòi nổ


The word "defuse" originated in the mid-19th century from the French word "défausser," which means "to remove the fuse" or "to take out the fuse." In the context of explosives, a fuse was a length of cord or tubing that contained a detonating compound, and removing it would prevent the explosion from occurring. The term "defuse" was initially used in the 1840s to describe the process of disarming explosives by removing the fuse. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the removal of tension or conflict, such as "defusing a tense situation." Today, the word is commonly used in both literal and figurative contexts to describe the act of making something less dangerous or less intense.


to stop a possibly dangerous or difficult situation from developing, especially by making people less angry or nervous

để ngăn chặn một tình huống có thể nguy hiểm hoặc khó khăn phát triển, đặc biệt là bằng cách làm cho mọi người bớt tức giận hoặc lo lắng

  • Community workers are trying to defuse tension in the area.

    Các nhân viên cộng đồng đang cố gắng xoa dịu căng thẳng trong khu vực.

  • These latest measures should help to defuse the situation.

    Những biện pháp mới nhất này có thể giúp xoa dịu tình hình.

to remove the fuse from a bomb so that it cannot explode

tháo ngòi nổ ra khỏi quả bom để nó không thể phát nổ

  • Police closed the road while they defused the bomb.

    Cảnh sát đã phong tỏa con đường trong lúc họ tháo ngòi quả bom.