Definition of strident




The word "strident" has a fascinating etymology. It originated in the 15th century from the Latin word "stridens," meaning "making a hissing or screaming sound." This Latin term is derived from "stridere," which means "to hiss" or "to scream." In its earliest use, "strident" referred to a harsh, piercing sound, such as the hissing of a snake or the screaming of a broken axle. Over time, the word took on a metaphorical meaning, describing a sound that is loud, harsh, and unpleasant. Today, "strident" is often used to describe not only sounds but also qualities such as a strident voice or a strident tone, which carry a sense of harshness, abrasiveness, or even aggression. Despite its evolution, the word "strident" retains its association with intensity and loudness, making it a useful descriptor in a variety of contexts.


having a loud, rough and unpleasant sound

có âm thanh to, thô và khó chịu

  • a strident voice

    một giọng nói chói tai

  • strident music

    âm nhạc chói tai

  • the strident ringing of the phone

    tiếng chuông điện thoại chói tai

aggressive and determined

quyết liệt và quyết tâm

  • He is a strident advocate of nuclear power.

    Ông là người ủng hộ mạnh mẽ năng lượng hạt nhân.

  • strident criticism

    sự chỉ trích gay gắt