Definition of strew


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The word "strew" has a fascinating history. It originated in the 14th century from the Old English words "strēowan" and "strīwan". These words meant "to scatter" or "to spread out", and they were often used to describe the act of scattering or spreading out something, such as seeds, leaves, or flowers. Over time, the meaning of "strew" expanded to include other senses, such as "to scatter or throw around" and "to decorate with flowers or greenery". In phrases like "to strew flowers on a grave" or "to strew petals on a path", the word has come to symbolize a sense of reverence, respect, and beauty. Today, "strew" is a verb that's often used to describe the act of scattering or spreading out something, whether it's physical objects or emotions. Whether it's used in a literal or figurative sense, the word "strew" has a rich history and a unique set of connotations that add depth and nuance to our language.


to cover a surface with things

để che phủ một bề mặt với những thứ

  • Clothes were strewn across the floor.

    Quần áo vương vãi khắp sàn nhà.

  • He put the bag on the ground and strewed some dead leaves over it.

    Anh ta đặt chiếc túi xuống đất và rắc vài chiếc lá khô lên trên.

  • The floor was strewn with clothes.

    Trên sàn nhà vương vãi quần áo.

  • The streets were strewn with corpses.

    Đường phố ngổn ngang xác chết.

  • The way ahead is strewn with difficulties.

    Con đường phía trước còn nhiều khó khăn.

Related words and phrases

to be spread or lying over a surface

được trải rộng hoặc nằm trên một bề mặt

  • Leaves strewed the path.

    Lá rụng đầy lối đi.