Definition of fling


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The Old English words "æðling" and "æðelán," which mean "young nobleman" and "prince," respectively, also have a connection to the origin of "fling." In Middle English, these words were collapsed into a single form, "flelenge," meaning "to drive off or chase away young men." In its earliest use, "fling" referred to the action of casting or hurling something forcibly. It was a simple and direct term for throwing. It wasn't until the 15th century that "fling" acquired its contemporary usage as a verb meaning "to throw something lightly or carelessly." As its meaning grew, it also took on additional meanings, such as "to strike or beat someone or something" and later, in the 16th century, "to dance or move in a carefree and unrestrained manner." Today, "fling" is used both as a verb and a noun. As a verb, it can refer to the act of throwing something, or as a transitive verb, to the putting of something in a particular place. It can also refer to the act of propelling something at great speed. As a noun, "fling" is used in a variety contexts, such as a party, a theatrical display, or an extramarital affair. In conclusion, the word "fling" has a rich history and has evolved in both meaning and usage over the centuries. Its origin as a term for throwing has been augmented by its subsequent layered meanings as it has traveled through the English language.


to throw or push somebody/something with force, especially because you are angry, or in a careless way

ném hoặc đẩy ai/cái gì bằng vũ lực, đặc biệt là khi bạn đang tức giận hoặc một cách bất cẩn

  • Someone had flung a brick through the window.

    Ai đó đã ném một viên gạch qua cửa sổ.

  • He flung her to the ground.

    Anh ném cô xuống đất.

  • I was flung forward by the impact.

    Tôi bị văng về phía trước do va chạm.

  • I flung a few clothes into a bag.

    Tôi nhét vài bộ quần áo vào túi.

  • He had his enemies flung into prison.

    Anh ta đã ném kẻ thù của mình vào tù.

  • The door was suddenly flung open.

    Cánh cửa đột nhiên bị mở tung.

Extra examples:
  • She flung the letter down onto the table.

    Cô ném lá thư xuống bàn.

  • ‘Hey, catch!’ she said, flinging him a towel.

    “Này, bắt lấy!” cô nói, ném cho anh một chiếc khăn tắm.

Related words and phrases

to move yourself or part of your body suddenly and with a lot of force

di chuyển bản thân hoặc một phần cơ thể của bạn một cách đột ngột và với rất nhiều lực

  • She flung herself onto the bed.

    Cô quăng mình lên giường.

  • He flung out an arm to stop her from falling.

    Anh đưa tay ra đỡ cô khỏi ngã.

to say something to somebody in an aggressive way

nói điều gì đó với ai đó một cách hung hăng

  • They were flinging insults at each other.

    Họ ném những lời xúc phạm vào nhau.

Related words and phrases