Definition of urgently


khẩn cấp


"Urgently" comes from the Latin word "urgere," meaning "to press, to urge, to drive." This root also gives us words like "urgent" and "urge." Over time, "urgere" evolved into the Old French "urguer," and then into the Middle English "urgen," from which "urgently" ultimately derived. The "ly" ending simply signifies the adverbial form of the word. So, the essence of "urgently" lies in the idea of something needing immediate and insistent attention, just like pressing or urging someone to act quickly.


in a way that needs to be dealt with or happen immediately

theo cách cần được giải quyết hoặc xảy ra ngay lập tức

  • New equipment is urgently needed.

    Thiết bị mới là rất cần thiết.

  • I need to speak to her urgently.

    Tôi cần nói chuyện khẩn cấp với cô ấy.

in a way that shows that you think something needs to be dealt with immediately

theo cách mà cho thấy rằng bạn nghĩ rằng một cái gì đó cần phải được giải quyết ngay lập tức

  • ‘We must find him,’ she said urgently.

    “Chúng ta phải tìm anh ấy,” cô nói khẩn trương.