Definition of rigidly


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The word "rigidly" has its roots in the Latin word "rigidus," meaning stiff or rigid. This Latin word is derived from the verb "rigere," which means to stiffen or harden. The English word "rigidly" is an adverb that means in a stiff or strict manner, having a sense of firmness or obstinacy. The first recorded use of "rigidly" in English dates back to the 15th century. Initially, the word was used to describe something that was stiff or inflexible, such as a rigid piece of wood. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the idea of being firm or strict in one's opinions or actions. In modern English, "rigidly" is often used to describe someone who is inflexible or unwilling to compromise, such as "he stood rigidly opposed to the proposal."


in a very strict way that is difficult to change

theo một cách rất nghiêm ngặt và khó có thể thay đổi

  • The speed limit must be rigidly enforced.

    Giới hạn tốc độ phải được thực hiện nghiêm ngặt.

in a way that shows that somebody is not willing to change their ideas or behaviour

theo cách cho thấy rằng ai đó không muốn thay đổi ý tưởng hoặc hành vi của họ

  • Jim was sticking rigidly to his point.

    Jim vẫn kiên quyết giữ nguyên quan điểm của mình.

without bending or moving

không uốn cong hoặc di chuyển

  • She stared rigidly ahead.

    Cô nhìn chằm chằm về phía trước.