Definition of authoritatively


có thẩm quyền


The word "authoritatively" has its roots in the 15th century. It originated from the Latin words "auctoritas," meaning "authority," and the suffix "-tively," which forms an adverb. In English, the word initially appeared as "authoritatively" in the 15th century, likely derived from the Old French phrase "de autorité" or "d'autorité." Initially, it meant "in a manner that commands respect or confidence" or "with authority." Over time, the word has evolved to convey the sense of exercising authority, being convincing, or presenting facts in a convincing manner. Today, "authoritatively" is often used to describe speeches, writings, or statements that are authoritative, persuasive, and convincing.


in a way that shows you expect people to respect or obey you

theo cách cho thấy bạn mong đợi mọi người tôn trọng hoặc tuân theo bạn

  • He authoritatively stated that classic literature was irrelevant to the poor.

    Ông tuyên bố một cách có thẩm quyền rằng văn học cổ điển không liên quan đến người nghèo.

in a way that can be trusted as true and correct

theo cách có thể tin cậy là đúng và chính xác

  • She can speak authoritatively on these issues.

    Bà có thể nói một cách có thẩm quyền về những vấn đề này.