Definition of stepwise


từng bước


The word "stepwise" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. The earliest recorded use of the word "step" dates back to the 9th century, referring to a single footstep or a portion of a staircase. The suffix "-wise" is an Old English adverbial suffix that means "in a certain way" or "by degrees." Therefore, "stepwise" literally means "by degrees" or "gradually" and was first used in the 14th century. In its early usage, "stepwise" referred to movement or progress that is gradual and slow, rather than sudden or immediate. Over time, the word has taken on additional meanings, including "in a series of steps" or "by successive stages." Today, "stepwise" is commonly used in various fields, such as science, mathematics, and education, to describe processes or methods that unfold gradually and cumulatively.


in a series of steps, rather than continuously

theo một loạt các bước, thay vì liên tục

moving in a way that uses only the notes that are next to each other in a scale

di chuyển theo cách chỉ sử dụng các nốt nhạc nằm cạnh nhau trong một thang âm