Definition of gradient




The word gradient originates from the Latin word gradientem, which literally means a slope or steep place. The term gradient was first used in the field of physics during the 17th century to describe the steepness or inclination of a line. The word was adopted by mathematicians in the 19th century to refer to the rate of change of a function at a specific point. In other words, gradient is a mathematical term that describes how a function changes with respect to its input variables. It is represented by the steepness of a line or curve that represents the function. In scientific fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering, the concept of gradient is widely used to describe the rates of change of various physical quantities like temperature, pressure, or electric potential, as it helps to identify the direction and magnitude of the change. In short, the term gradient originated from the Latin word gradientem, which refers to a slope or steep place, and now it is used in various fields of science and engineering to describe the steepness of lines or curves representing changes in different variables.


a slope on a road or railway; the degree to which the ground slopes

độ dốc trên đường bộ hoặc đường sắt; mức độ mà mặt đất dốc

  • The route includes some steep gradients.

    Tuyến đường bao gồm một số độ dốc lớn.

  • a hill with a gradient of 1 in 4 (or 25 per cent)

    một ngọn đồi có độ dốc 1 trên 4 (hoặc 25%)

Extra examples:
  • The road has a fairly steep gradient.

    Đường có độ dốc khá dốc.

  • The field was on a slight gradient.

    Sân có độ dốc nhẹ.

  • The hill has a gradient of 1 in 4 (or 25%).

    Đồi có độ dốc 1 trên 4 (hoặc 25%).

  • The line here is on a steep gradient climbing towards Merstham Tunnel.

    Đường ở đây nằm trên một đoạn đường dốc leo về phía Đường hầm Merstham.

the rate at which temperature, pressure, etc. changes, or increases and decreases, between one region and another

tốc độ thay đổi nhiệt độ, áp suất, v.v., hoặc tăng và giảm giữa vùng này với vùng khác

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