Definition of staged


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The word "staged" has undergone significant changes in its meaning over time. Initially, the term "stage" referred to a public platform for performance, often connected to the theatre. The word "staged" emerged in the 16th century, meaning to present or perform a play, opera, or other theatrical production on this stage. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the term "staged" also referred to preparing or arranging a scene, often in a naturalistic or realistic manner. This sense of the word was closely tied to the development of realistic theater and the concept of mise-en-scène. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the term "staged" took on a new connotation, relating to artificial or fake events, performances, or situations. This newer sense of the word is often used in the context of politics, media, or personal interactions, indicating that something is contrived or lacking genuine authenticity.


performed on a stage

biểu diễn trên sân khấu

  • an elaborately staged drama

    một vở kịch được dàn dựng công phu

  • The show is a brilliantly staged adaptation of a novel by Mark Staff.

    Vở kịch được dàn dựng xuất sắc dựa trên tiểu thuyết của Mark Staff.

planned or organized in advance

được lên kế hoạch hoặc tổ chức trước

  • The whole episode seems to have been a staged event.

    Toàn bộ sự việc có vẻ như là một sự kiện được dàn dựng.

  • Police believe the fingerprints formed part of a staged crime scene.

    Cảnh sát tin rằng dấu vân tay là một phần của hiện trường vụ án được dàn dựng.

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