Definition of squish


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The word "squish" has its origins in the early 14th century. It comes from the Old English word "squischian," which means "to press or squeeze tightly." This verb is derived from the verb "squs," which is related to the Proto-Germanic word "*squōziz," also meaning "to squeeze or press." In Middle English (circa 1300-1500), "squish" became a noun, referring to the act of squeezing or compressing something, often to a small or compact size. Over time, the verb form "to squish" emerged, which means to press or squeeze something, often in a playful or forceful manner. Today, the word "squish" is commonly used to describe the sensation of compressing or squishing something, like playdough, clay, or even a stress ball!


if something soft squishes or is squished, it is pushed out of shape when it is pressed

nếu một vật mềm bị ép hoặc bị ép, nó sẽ bị đẩy ra khỏi hình dạng khi bị ép

to make a quiet sound by pressing something soft and wet

tạo ra âm thanh nhỏ bằng cách ấn vào vật gì đó mềm và ướt