Definition of squelch




The word "squelch" has a fascinating origin. It dates back to the 14th century, when it was used to describe the sound of splashing or squishing in mud or a bog. This sound was made by someone or something treading through a wet and messy area. Over time, the word "squelch" took on a new meaning. In the 16th century, it began to describe the act of suppressing or stifling a sound or noise, much like the way a person might squish a sound-making object to silence it. This sense of the word is still in use today, where we might use "squelch" to describe muting or silencing a noise, often with the aid of a device or technology. Now you know the squelchy origins of this versatile word!


to make a quiet sound by pressing something soft and wet

tạo ra âm thanh nhỏ bằng cách ấn vào vật gì mềm và ướt

  • The mud squelched as I walked through it.

    Bùn kêu lên khi tôi bước qua nó.

  • Her wet shoes squelched at every step.

    Đôi giày ướt của cô kêu cọt kẹt sau mỗi bước đi.

  • We squelched across the muddy field.

    Chúng tôi lê bước trên cánh đồng lầy lội.

to stop something from growing, increasing or developing

để ngăn chặn một cái gì đó tăng trưởng, tăng hoặc phát triển

  • to squelch a rumor

    để dập tắt một tin đồn

  • to squelch dissent/competition

    để dập tắt sự bất đồng chính kiến/cạnh tranh

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