Definition of splat


văng tung tóe


The origin of the word "splat" can be traced back to the Middle English word "splatten," which meant "to spread out flatly" or "to thicken and spread out." This word has evolved over time and is believed to have been derived from the Old Norse word "sprenja," which meant "to spread" or "to scatter." The word "splat" itself appears to have originated in the late 19th century and was first used to describe the sound and action of something falling or being thrown that hits a hard surface, such as pavement or the ground. The word likely comes from the Old English word "splauthan," which meant "to split or burst open," as well as the Old Norse word "splatta," which meant "to split or burst." Over time, "splat" has come to be used more colloquially to describe large, messy spots, particularly in relation to paints, sauces, or other substances that are spread out in a flat, thick, and viscous way. Its use has also expanded to describe a visual animation, such as in computer graphics, in which an object is depicted as spreading out into a flat, viscous form upon impact. Overall, "splat" is a fun and descriptive term that has emerged from the evolution of English language vocabulary.

  • The painter accidentally splatted red paint on the canvas, ruining his masterpiece.

    Người họa sĩ vô tình làm đổ sơn đỏ lên vải, làm hỏng kiệt tác của mình.

  • The chef tossed the overcooked spaghetti onto the plate, creating a splat.

    Đầu bếp ném miếng mì spaghetti chín quá vào đĩa, tạo ra tiếng kêu loảng xoảng.

  • The disgusting looking green goo splatted onto the pavement as the scientist dropped his experiment.

    Chất nhờn màu xanh lá cây kinh tởm bắn tung tóe xuống vỉa hè khi nhà khoa học làm rơi thí nghiệm của mình.

  • I splatted chocolate all over myself while trying to make a cake for my friend's birthday.

    Tôi đã làm đổ sôcôla khắp người khi cố làm bánh sinh nhật cho bạn mình.

  • The balloon suddenly popped, splattering confetti on the floor.

    Quả bóng bay đột nhiên nổ tung, làm tung tóe những mảnh giấy vụn xuống sàn.

  • The ink cartridge malfunctioned, splatting black ink all over the page.

    Hộp mực bị trục trặc, làm mực đen bắn tung tóe khắp trang giấy.

  • The surgeon made a mistake during the operation, causing internal organs to splatter onto the floor.

    Bác sĩ phẫu thuật đã phạm sai lầm trong quá trình phẫu thuật, khiến các cơ quan nội tạng bắn tung tóe xuống sàn.

  • The artist flung buttons and beads onto the canvas, creating a beautiful splattered design.

    Nghệ sĩ đã ném những chiếc cúc áo và hạt cườm lên tấm vải, tạo nên một thiết kế bắn tung tóe tuyệt đẹp.

  • The dog chased after the ball and, as it bounced, splatted against the wall.

    Con chó đuổi theo quả bóng và khi nó nảy lên, nó đập mạnh vào tường.

  • The scientist dropped the vial of mysterious substance, causing it to splatter onto the laboratory floor.

    Nhà khoa học đánh rơi lọ chất bí ẩn, khiến nó bắn tung tóe xuống sàn phòng thí nghiệm.

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