Definition of spineless


không có gai


"Spineless" originates from the literal lack of a backbone, or spine, in invertebrates. This physical characteristic was metaphorically applied to people lacking courage or fortitude. The word first appeared in the 15th century, with the earliest recorded usage in 1485. Over time, the term expanded to encompass a broader range of weaknesses, including lack of character, resolve, and a tendency to avoid confrontation. It now describes anyone who lacks the moral backbone to stand up for what they believe in.


weak and easily frightened

yếu đuối và dễ sợ hãi

having no spine (= the long bone in the back)

không có xương sống (= xương dài ở phía sau)

having no spines (= sharp parts like needles)

không có gai (= phần sắc nhọn như kim)