Definition of yielding


năng suất


The word "yielding" has roots in Old English, derived from the verb "gieldan." "Gieldan" meant "to pay, to give, to yield," often referencing the act of paying tribute or making a sacrifice. This concept of giving way or submitting to pressure evolved into the modern meaning of "yielding" – to give in, to surrender, or to be flexible. The evolution of the word reflects how our understanding of "yielding" shifted from a literal act of giving to a more metaphorical representation of flexibility and compromise.


soft and easy to bend or move when you press it

mềm mại và dễ uốn cong hoặc di chuyển khi bạn nhấn nó

  • She sank onto the yielding cushions of the couch.

    Cô ngồi phịch xuống những chiếc đệm êm ái của chiếc ghế dài.

willing to do what other people want

sẵn sàng làm những gì người khác muốn

giving the amount of crops, profits, etc. mentioned

đưa ra số lượng cây trồng, lợi nhuận, v.v. đã đề cập

  • high-/low-yielding crops

    cây trồng năng suất cao/thấp

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