Definition of spindle


con quay


The word "spindle" has its origins in Old English and is closely related to the word "spinnan", which means "to spin". In the 14th century, a spindle referred to a tool used to spin fibers, such as wool or flax, into yarn. The spindle was typically a wooden or bone rod with a whorl (a circular or oval-shaped weight) attached or built into its upper end. The whorl helped to maintain the tension of the yarn as it was spun. The term "spindle" eventually came to refer not only to the tool but also to the wooden or metal shaft of a spinning wheel, which played a similar role in the yarn-spinning process. Today, the word "spindle" is still used to describe both the tool and the shaft of a spinning device.


a long straight part that turns in a machine, or that another part of the machine turns around

một bộ phận thẳng dài quay trong máy hoặc một bộ phận khác của máy quay xung quanh

a thin pointed piece of wood used for spinning wool into thread by hand

một mảnh gỗ nhọn mỏng dùng để kéo sợi len thành sợi bằng tay