Definition of slender


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The English word "slender" derives from the Old French word "slender" or "eslenger," which in turn was derived from the Latin word "exligeros," meaning "light in weight." "Exligeros" was formed by combining the prefix "ex," meaning "out" or "outside," with "liger," meaning "heavy" or "burdensome." The original meaning of "slender" in Old French, as well as in Middle English and early Modern English, was primarily related to weight, implying something light in comparison to something heavy. By the 16th century, however, the word had started to take on a new meaning, primarily associated with thinness and narrowness, which is the sense in which it is commonly used today. In summary, the origin of the word "slender" can be traced back to Latin, where it was formed by combining two root words, "ex" and "liger," to create a new meaning related to weight and lightness. Over time, this meaning evolved and became associated with thinness and narrowness, as we understand it today.


thin in an attractive way

mỏng một cách hấp dẫn

  • her slender figure

    dáng người mảnh mai của cô ấy

  • long, slender fingers

    những ngón tay thon dài

  • a slender young woman

    một phụ nữ trẻ mảnh khảnh

Extra examples:
  • Those jeans make you look very slender.

    Những chiếc quần jean đó khiến bạn trông rất mảnh mai.

  • her boyishly slender figure

    dáng người mảnh khảnh của cô ấy

Related words and phrases

thin or narrow

mỏng hoặc hẹp

  • a glass with a slender stem

    một chiếc ly có thân mảnh mai

small in amount or size and hardly enough

nhỏ về số lượng hoặc kích thước và hầu như không đủ

  • to win by a slender margin/majority

    giành chiến thắng với tỷ số/đa số thấp

  • people of slender means (= with little money)

    người có phương tiện mảnh mai (= với ít tiền)

  • Australia held a slender 1–0 lead at half-time.

    Australia đã dẫn trước 1–0 trong hiệp một.

  • These claims are based on slender evidence.

    Những tuyên bố này dựa trên bằng chứng mỏng manh.