Definition of frail


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The word "frail" is derived from the Middle English word "frel" which means "weak, feeble, or delicate." This word, in turn, originated from the Old English words "frēol" and "frægl," meaning "delicate" and "precious," respectively. The Latin word "fragilis" also contributed to the evolution of the English word "frail" as it means "easily broken." The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) traces the first written record of the word "frail" to around 1400, in the phrase "thynne and frayl" meaning "excessively thin and delicate." The modern usage of "frail" refers to someone who is weak, vulnerable, and easilybreakable, especially in their old age. The etymology of "frail' reflects the ancient beliefs about fragility, humanity, and transcendence. The Middle Ages witnessed a growing awareness of the human mortality, leading to the development of a new vocabulary that expressed the complexity of human life. The word "frail" embodied both the physical weakness of the human body and the need for divine protection, reflecting the religious beliefs of the era. In contemporary usage, while the concept of religious frailty is less prevalent, the meaning of fragility and vulnerability persists, as we often use "frail" to describe the elderly or those with debilitating conditions.


physically weak and thin

thể chất yếu và gầy

  • Mother was becoming too frail to live alone.

    Mẹ đã trở nên quá yếu để có thể sống một mình.

Extra examples:
  • She looked old and frail.

    Bà trông già nua và yếu ớt.

  • Some old people become physically frail.

    Một số người già trở nên yếu đuối về thể chất.

  • His frail hands were shaking.

    Đôi bàn tay mảnh khảnh của anh run rẩy.

  • women caring for frail elderly relatives

    phụ nữ chăm sóc người thân già yếu

weak; easily damaged or broken

yếu đuối; dễ dàng bị hư hỏng hoặc bị hỏng

  • the frail stems of the flowers

    những cành hoa mong manh

  • Human nature is frail.

    Bản chất con người là yếu đuối.