Definition of shakily


run rẩy


The word "shakily" has its roots in Old English. It is derived from the verb "shakian," which means "to shake" or "to move unsteadily." This verb is related to the Old English word "scacan," meaning "to shake" or "to brandish." The suffix "-ly" was added to the end of the verb to create the adverb "shakily," meaning "in a shaky or unsteady manner." The word "shakily" has been in use since at least the 15th century. In modern English, it is often used to describe an action that is performed in a way that is unstable or precarious, such as "She walked shakily down the steep cliff path" or "The bridge shakily creaked beneath our feet."


while shaking and feeling weak, often because you are ill, emotional or old

trong khi run rẩy và cảm thấy yếu, thường là do bạn bị bệnh, xúc động hoặc già

  • ‘Get the doctor,’ he whispered shakily.

    "Gọi bác sĩ đi," anh thì thầm run rẩy.

  • Jill rose shakily to her feet.

    Jill run rẩy đứng dậy.

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in a way that does not seem very successful

theo cách mà có vẻ không mấy thành công

  • The movie starts shakily but gets better.

    Bộ phim bắt đầu hơi run nhưng dần trở nên hay hơn.

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