Definition of restlessly


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The word "restlessly" has a rich etymology. It was first used in the 15th century, derived from the Old English words "rest" and "les". "Rest" originally meant "peace" or "quiet", while "les" was a suffix indicating "in a state of". Therefore, "restlessly" initially meant "without peace" or "without quiet". Over time, the meaning of "restlessly" expanded to convey a sense of agitation, disturbance, or turbulence, as if something is not at peace. This negative connotation is likely due to the concept of rest being associated with calmness and serenity. Today, "restlessly" is often used to describe something that is constantly moving, disturbing, or disquieting, such as a restless mind or a restless spirit. Despite its evolution, the core idea of "restlessly" remains tied to the idea of not being in a state of peace or quiet.


in a way that shows you are unable to stay still or be happy where you are, because you are bored or need a change

theo cách cho thấy bạn không thể đứng yên hoặc hạnh phúc ở nơi bạn đang ở, vì bạn đang buồn chán hoặc cần thay đổi

  • He moved restlessly from one foot to the other.

    Anh ta liên tục di chuyển từ chân này sang chân kia một cách bồn chồn.

without resting or sleeping properly

không nghỉ ngơi hoặc ngủ đủ giấc

  • She tossed restlessly until she finally fell asleep.

    Cô trằn trọc mãi cho đến khi ngủ thiếp đi.