Definition of doubtfully


nghi ngờ


The word "doubtfully" has its roots in Old English. The adjective "doubt" meant "to waver or be uncertain" and was derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*dabiz", which is also thought to be related to the Proto-Indo-European root "*dhab-", meaning "to bind, fix, or fasten". This root is also seen in other English words such as "debate" and " delay". In Old English, the verb "doubten" meant "to doubt or waver", and this verb was used to form the adverb "doubtfully", which originally meant "in a doubtful manner" or "with doubt". Over time, the spelling and meaning of "doubtfully" have evolved, but its connection to the Old English verb "doubten" remains. Today, "doubtfully" is used to convey uncertainty or hesitation in one's thoughts or words.


in a way that shows you are uncertain and feeling doubt

theo cách cho thấy bạn đang không chắc chắn và cảm thấy nghi ngờ

  • She looked at him doubtfully.

    Cô nhìn anh với vẻ nghi ngờ.

Related words and phrases

in a way that is unlikely to happen or be true

theo cách không thể xảy ra hoặc không đúng

  • This poem has been doubtfully attributed to Swift.

    Bài thơ này chưa được xác định là của Swift.