Definition of fearfully


sợ hãi


The word "fearfully" traces back to the Old English word "færan," meaning "to go, journey, travel, proceed." Over time, it evolved into "faran," then "færan," and eventually "fear" in the 14th century. The suffix "-ly" is an Old English suffix indicating manner or quality. Thus, "fearfully" initially meant "in a manner of going" or "with fear." This evolution reflects how the concept of "fear" became associated with the feeling of trepidation and uncertainty, originally linked to venturing into the unknown.


in a way that shows somebody is nervous or afraid

theo cách cho thấy ai đó đang lo lắng hoặc sợ hãi

  • We watched fearfully.

    Chúng tôi theo dõi một cách sợ hãi.

extremely difficult/expensive/loud, etc.

cực kỳ khó khăn/đắt tiền/ồn ào, v.v.