Definition of unsteadily


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The word "unsteadily" has its roots in Old English. The prefix "un-" means "not" or "opposite of", and "stead" means "standing" or "firm". Thus, "unsteadily" originally meant "not standing firmly" or "lacking stability". In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the term "unsteadely" was used to describe something or someone that was not stable or firm. Over time, the spelling evolved to "unsteadily", and the meaning expanded to include connotations of uncertainty, instability, or hesitation. In modern English, "unsteadily" is often used to describe movement, behavior, or emotions that are characterized by lack of stability or consistency. For example, "she walked unsteadily down the stairs" or "he spoke unsteadily, choking back tears". Despite its evolution, the word's core meaning remains rooted in the idea of something being unstable or uncertain.


without being in control of your movements so that you might fall

không kiểm soát được chuyển động của mình nên bạn có thể ngã

  • She walked unsteadily towards me.

    Cô ấy bước đi loạng choạng về phía tôi.

  • She swayed unsteadily as she got up from the bar.

    Cô ấy lảo đảo không vững khi đứng dậy khỏi quầy bar.

in a way that shakes and lacks control

theo cách run rẩy và thiếu kiểm soát

  • ‘I had to see you,’ he said unsteadily.

    “Anh phải gặp em,” anh nói ngập ngừng.