Definition of sensuous


gợi cảm


The word "sensuous" has a fascinating origin. It dates back to the mid-17th century, derived from the Latin word "sensus," meaning "perception" or "feeling." Initially, the term referred to the ability to perceive or experience pleasure through the senses, particularly the senses of seeing, hearing, and touch. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the term became closely associated with the art and literature of the Renaissance and Baroque periods, which emphasized the importance of beauty, taste, and sensuality. During this time, "sensuous" was often used to describe works of art that appealed to the emotions and senses, rather than just the intellect. Today, the word "sensuous" is used to describe anything that is pleasing to the senses, from beautiful music to exquisite cuisine. It has also taken on a slightly more philosophical connotation, referring to the ways in which our senses shape our perceptions and experiences of the world around us.


giving pleasure to your senses

mang lại niềm vui cho các giác quan của bạn

  • sensuous music

    âm nhạc gợi cảm

  • I'm drawn to the poetic, sensuous qualities of her paintings.

    Tôi bị thu hút bởi chất thơ và nét gợi cảm trong những bức tranh của cô.

suggesting an interest in sexual pleasure

gợi ý sự quan tâm đến khoái cảm tình dục

  • his full sensuous lips

    đôi môi đầy đặn gợi cảm của anh ấy