Definition of seam


đường may


In Old English, "sām" referred to the joint or union of two things, such as a seam on a piece of cloth or a seam in a rock. Over time, the spelling evolved to "seam", and the meaning expanded to include not just physical joins but also figurative connections, such as seams of thought or seams of thought and action. Today, the word "seam" is used in a wide range of contexts, from sewing and textiles to sports and navigation.


a line along which two edges of cloth, etc. are joined or sewn together

một đường dọc theo đó hai mép vải, v.v. được nối hoặc khâu lại với nhau

  • a shoulder seam

    một đường may vai

Extra examples:
  • She sewed the seam with small neat stitches.

    Cô ấy khâu đường may bằng những mũi khâu nhỏ gọn.

  • I only had the shoes for a month before they started to fall apart at the seams.

    Tôi chỉ mới mua đôi giày được một tháng thì chúng bắt đầu rách ở các đường nối.

a thin layer of coal or other material, between layers of rock under the ground

một lớp than mỏng hoặc vật liệu khác, giữa các lớp đá dưới lòng đất

  • They struck a rich seam of iron ore.

    Họ đánh vào một vỉa quặng sắt phong phú.

  • The book is a rich seam of information.

    Cuốn sách là một khối thông tin phong phú.

a line where two edges meet, for example the edges of wooden boards

một đường nơi hai cạnh gặp nhau, ví dụ như các cạnh của tấm ván gỗ

  • Light was spilling in through the seams of the door.

    Ánh sáng tràn vào qua khe cửa.


be bursting/bulging at the seams
(informal)to be very full, especially of people
  • Los Angeles is bursting at the seams with would-be actors.
  • The film is bursting at the seams with good performances.
  • be falling/coming apart at the seams
    (informal)to be going very badly wrong and likely to stop functioning completely
  • She was falling apart at the seams, spending most of her time in tears.
  • His little world fell apart at the seams.
  • Their marriage was coming apart at the seams.
  • fray at/around the edges/seams
    to start to come apart or to fail
  • Support for the leader was fraying at the edges.