Definition of sew


may, khâu


Definition of undefined

The word "sew" has a fascinating history. It originates from Old English, where it was spelled "sēo" or "sēowan". The verb "sew" has been in use since the 8th century, with its root meaning "to unite or bring together". Initially, it was used to describe the act of joining or repairing things, such as clothing, fabric, or other materials. Over time, the meaning of "sew" expanded to include the action of stitching or attaching things using thread or yarn. The verb has remained largely unchanged in its spelling and meaning, with only minor adjustments in pronunciation and usage. Today, the word "sew" is used in various contexts, including sewing, mending, and even figuratively, as in "sewing up" a deal or an agreement.


to use a needle and thread to make stitches in cloth

sử dụng kim và chỉ để khâu trên vải

  • My mother taught me how to sew.

    Mẹ tôi dạy tôi cách may vá.

  • to sew by hand/machine

    may bằng tay/máy

  • to sew a seam

    để may một đường may

to make, repair or attach something using a needle and thread

làm, sửa chữa hoặc gắn cái gì đó bằng kim và chỉ

  • She sews all her own clothes.

    Cô ấy tự may tất cả quần áo của mình.

  • Can you sew a button on for me?

    Bạn có thể khâu một chiếc cúc cho tôi được không?

  • Surgeons were able to sew the finger back on.

    Các bác sĩ phẫu thuật đã có thể khâu lại ngón tay.

  • The jewel was sewn into the lining of his coat.

    Viên ngọc được khâu vào lớp lót áo khoác của anh ta.

  • The squares of fabric were all sewn neatly together.

    Các ô vải đều được khâu gọn gàng với nhau.

  • He sewed the patch onto the back of his jeans.

    Anh ấy khâu miếng vá vào mặt sau quần jean của mình.

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