Definition of sake1




The word "sake" in its modern context refers to a traditional Japanese rice wine. Its origin can be traced back to ancient times in Japan, where it was known as "namazake" or "passer-out sake," meaning chilled and weak in alcohol. The term "sake" itself is believed to have originated from the Japanese verb "saku," meaning "to make" or "to manufacture." This stemmed from the process of sake-making, which involves multiple stages of fermentation and aging. In the production of sake, cooked rice is combined with water and yeast. The rice is polished to remove the outer layers, resulting in a higher concentration of starch and a smoother, more refined flavor in the resulting sake. The name "sake" was officially adopted in the Meiji Restoration, when Japan opened itself up to the global community in the late 19th century. It became associated with the western concept of "alcoholic beverages," since it could no longer be distinguished from western-style wines and spirits. Overall, sake's rich cultural heritage and unique production process have contributed to its popularity as a traditional Japanese alcoholic beverage, with its distinct flavor and symbolic significance in Japanese culture.

  • She decided to go to the museum after dinner for the sake of expanding her cultural horizons.

    Cô quyết định đến bảo tàng sau bữa tối để mở rộng tầm nhìn văn hóa của mình.

  • When making a difficult decision, he always considers the impacts on his loved ones and acts in their sake.

    Khi đưa ra quyết định khó khăn, anh ấy luôn cân nhắc đến tác động đến những người thân yêu và hành động vì họ.

  • I woke up early for work today, not just for my own sake, but for the sake of avoiding rush-hour traffic.

    Hôm nay tôi thức dậy sớm để đi làm, không chỉ vì bản thân tôi, mà còn để tránh tình trạng tắc đường vào giờ cao điểm.

  • She wrote a grateful letter to her mentor, who had guided her through a challenging time, in the sake of expressing her heartfelt thanks.

    Cô đã viết một lá thư cảm ơn tới người cố vấn của mình, người đã hướng dẫn cô vượt qua giai đoạn khó khăn, để bày tỏ lòng biết ơn chân thành của mình.

  • For the sake of clarity, he simplified the presentation for the audience, ensuring that everyone could follow along.

    Để rõ ràng hơn, ông đã đơn giản hóa bài thuyết trình cho khán giả, đảm bảo rằng mọi người đều có thể theo dõi.

  • The team members put aside their differences for the sake of completing the project on time and within budget.

    Các thành viên trong nhóm đã gạt bỏ bất đồng để hoàn thành dự án đúng thời hạn và trong phạm vi ngân sách.

  • She studied hard for the exam, not only for her own sake but also for the sake of her future career prospects.

    Cô ấy học hành chăm chỉ cho kỳ thi, không chỉ vì bản thân mà còn vì triển vọng nghề nghiệp tương lai của cô.

  • They agreed to compromise in order to find a solution that was in the sake of both parties.

    Họ đồng ý thỏa hiệp để tìm ra giải pháp có lợi cho cả hai bên.

  • To preserve the peace, he kept his opinions to himself and acted in the sake of avoiding conflict.

    Để giữ gìn hòa bình, ông giữ kín ý kiến ​​của mình và hành động nhằm tránh xung đột.

  • In order to help his friend overcome her addiction, he offered support and encouragement, acting out of the sake of compassion and empathy.

    Để giúp bạn mình vượt qua cơn nghiện, anh đã hỗ trợ và động viên, hành động xuất phát từ lòng trắc ẩn và sự đồng cảm.


for Christ’s, God’s, goodness’, heaven’s, pity’s, etc. sake
used to emphasize that it is important to do something or when you are annoyed about something
  • Do be careful, for goodness' sake.
  • Oh, for heaven's sake!
  • For pity's sake, help me!
  • for old times’ sake
    if you do something for old times’ sake, you do it because it is connected with something good that happened to you in the past
    for something’s sake
    because of the interest or value something has, not because of the advantages it may bring
  • I believe in education for its own sake.
  • art for art’s sake
  • for the sake of somebody/something | for somebody’s/something’s sake
    in order to help somebody/something or because you like somebody/something
  • They stayed together for the sake of the children.
  • You can do it. Please, for my sake.
  • I hope you're right, for all our sakes (= because this is important for all of us).
  • for the sake of something
    in order to get or keep something
  • The translation sacrifices naturalness for the sake of accuracy.
  • She gave up smoking for the sake of her health.
  • Let's suppose, for the sake of argument (= in order to have a discussion), that interest rates went up by 2 per cent.
  • (just) for the sake of it
    for no particular reason
  • Don't get married just for the sake of it.