Definition of rotational


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The word "rotational" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "rotare" means "to rotate" or "to turn", and it's related to the word "rotundus", which means "round" or "curved". From Latin, the word "rotare" was borrowed into Middle English as "rotaten", which meant "to turn or move in a circle". The adjectival form "rotational" emerged in the 16th century, initially used to describe something that rotates or turns around a central point. Over time, the meaning of "rotational" expanded to include the concept of periodic or cyclical movement, such as the rotation of a planet around its axis or the rotation of an object around a fixed point. Today, "rotational" is used in various fields, including physics, engineering, and biology, to describe the movement or motion of objects, systems, or organisms that involve rotation or cyclical activity.


connected with the action of moving in a circle around a central fixed point

liên quan đến hành động di chuyển theo hình tròn xung quanh một điểm cố định ở trung tâm

  • rotational motion/forces

    chuyển động quay/lực

regularly changing the thing that is being used in a particular situation, or the person who does a particular job

thường xuyên thay đổi vật đang được sử dụng trong một tình huống cụ thể hoặc người thực hiện một công việc cụ thể

  • The event is held on a rotational basis in each of the participating countries.

    Sự kiện này được tổ chức luân phiên tại mỗi quốc gia tham gia.